So, over the last few years, I've proved to myself that I have a pretty short attention span, especially when it comes to committing to running a blog. I've set up many a blogger account, and told myself time and time again that this time, I was going to stick to it.
Well. This time, I'm going to stick to it.
I kinda think the problem I've been having before is that I've tried to make my blogs fit into certain labels. Last year I was absolutely determined that I wanted to get into the music industry for my career, so I started up a music blog. Don't get me wrong, I do love writing about music, but I think the blog became something I was doing just to prove my interest in music so I'd have something to show when it comes to applying for jobs in the future. So inevitably, after barely a few months I gave up on it.
This time, I've decided I'm not going to restrict myself. Even back in primary school, writing has been something I've always done, even if it was just for the little school newspaper. I did some work experience in a little marketing office in my town this summer, and a big part of what I was doing revolved around writing. It wasn't anything particularly thrilling - think promotional articles about pipes - but it did remind he much I miss writing. I'm really hoping that creating a space for myself to be able to write down whatever grabs my attention, be it about music, fashion, or just whatever happens to be going on in my life, will encourage me to keep it up.
So here it goes. My name's Hayley. I'm a 20 year old marketing student, and I split my time between home in Cambridgeshire, and uni in Northampton. I love tattoos, TV and pop punk.
Welcome to my blog!
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